Hetachain: The Future Of Blockchain



About Hetachain

Blockchain Technology with its ability to facilitate peer to peer transactions without the need for a third-party intermediary can disrupt many existing centralised systems and applications, especially in the banking and financial service sector. Combined with the power of smart contracts, blockchain technology has the potential to change the dynamics of economies around the world. A genuinely decentralised eco-system would take the control away from a few self-serving entities and restore it back to the masses.

Blockchain technology is indeed an innovative innovation in how data is created, shared and edited. But despite that, blockchain technology is currently facing a critical problem about its performance. For this reason, Hetachain proposed to create the latest Blockchain network architecture that would be used very easily, more flexible for users and developers using the blockchain platform that has very high performance.

Cryptographic Algorithm Using ECDSA (Digital Elliptic Motion Sign Algorithm) with secp256k1 curve for public-private cryptography. The private key is a 256 bit random data.

The HETA address associated with this private key is the last 160 bits of the SHA3-256 (Keccak) hash of the public key

Challenges in Adoption

However, the pace of adoption of blockchain-driven solutions to solve real-world problems and replace the existing systems has been slow. The primary reason can be attributed to the scalability issue that plagues bitcoin, ethereum and other blockchains. Both bitcoin and ethereum blockchains experienced network congestion issues towards the end of last year. Slow transactions and exorbitantly high fee threatened to defeat the very purpose for which the technology was invented.Even decentralised applications (DAPPS) built on the currently existing blockchains tend to be bogged with performance issues, not giving users the comfort and ease of use which they are accustomed to. There is a need for a blockchain that is designed to provide the benefits of technology, and that also is scalable enough to handle the massive traffic of existing systems. Unless resolved fast, these issues will continue to hamper adoption by the masses.

Hetachain: The Solution

Hetachain intends to resolve the above-stated issues and create a high-performance blockchain which is scalable, facilitates easy, smart contract creation and easy to use by end users. This is achieved by coming up with a hybrid consensus mechanism that is based on the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). The intention is to create a blockchain that is scalable, has shorter block time and high throughput. With the Hetachain algorithm, a block is produced every 1 second and validated by a single masternode in the network.

HetaCoin: The cryptocurrency that fuels Hetachain.

The native cryptocurrency that fuels and drives the Hetachain and enables blockchain as a service, HetaCoin has multiple use-cases.

  • Usage fee paid by users or enterprises who intend to use Hetachain as a service
  • Transaction fee to be paid in HetaCoins
  • Rewards to be distributed in HetaCoins

Hetachain aspires to resolve the issues that currently plague the current blockchains and solutions whether that is scalability, privacy, security or throughput. With its cutting-edge architecture and design, it has the potential to emerge as the leader that can bridge the gap between the technology and people, and change the emerging landscape.

About Hetacoin – HETA

Hetacoin is a Hetachain internal crypto currency that is used on the Mainchain network. Hetacoin is used as a tool to pay usage fees using the Heta Blockchain service.

When a user makes a transaction exchanging coins or tokens that have been made by Heta, then he must pay for the pre-defined mount Hetacoib. Also called transaction costs. This mandatory fee makes Hetacoin have real value for the system. This can also prevent traders from flooding the network with unlimited microtransactions.

When a user participates in a consensus process or validation from the Mainchain and Private Chain, then he must be rewarded with certain Hetacoin. This is also referred to as Giving awards to users. For the level of consensus appreciation, it must depend on how much effort is spent by the participants in carrying out the process.


Q1 & Q2 2018

Designing HetaChain

Writting Whitepaper

Q2 & Q3 2018

Mainchain development

UI display blockchain data

Wallet demo

Hetachain ICO event

HetaChain ICO private sale

Q4 2018

HetaChain block explorer demo

Hetachain test net (test version)

HetaChain ICO public sale starting

Listing HETA token on exchange

Privatechain development

Q1 2019

Web portal release

Dapp development

Smart contract development

Wallet update (multi-Token)

HetaChain test net launch

Q2 2019

Prebuilt Dapp

Auto create Dapp

HETA fee calculation portal

HetaChain block explorer(update)

Hetachain mainnet (test version)

Q3 2019


Hetachain mainnet launch

Presentation of Hetachain Blockchain 3.0

This brings us to Hetachain. With a thorough research and excellent team, we propose a new horizon and a new phase for the Blockchain era, Blockchain 3.0. HETACHAIN ​​was founded, has a flexible and user-friendly location for users, developers (smart contract easy to create) and high-performance blockchain platform. A blockchain is built with enterprise-level application, HETACHAIN ​​is a combination of a more efficient dPOS (BFT) trained to optimize system performance.

Since the creation of Blockchain, the development community has struggled with the evolutionary trio. HETACHAIN ​​comes with a range of technical features that focus on ease of use while providing developers with a decentralized ability to deploy intelligent contracts to run distributed applications (Dapps) . ), which addresses vulnerabilities inherent in its network administrators, system throughput, and large adoption.

With its unmatched DPO hybrid algorithm + BFT, the farm can extend the scalability supported by HETACHAIN, looking for a chain of democratic block chain management. Balancing between system flows.

A better version of the EOS network, which selects only 21 supernovae that function as a mass producer, is likely to induce a cross between ultrasound. HETACHAIN ​​is governed by a hierarchy. More than 33 masternodes are randomly programmed. The next block in the sequence.

This ensures very high throughput while still securing the network, which is the main cause of other networks trying to address the three extensions. HETACHAIN ​​is just a mass acceptance step because it is easy to use and provides better network capabilities, allowing IT to run on its network.

At HETACHAIN, we are committed to ensuring that our Blockchain system can serve all areas. After releasing the beta, HETACHAIN ​​plans to test it at Dubai Smart City.



Advisory Board


I think this is a great project with a good foundation and unique concept that is so incredible and can be an excellent long-term project so what are you waiting for, join the team and be a good thinker like them.



Here is an explanation from me and to avoid all forms of fraud, please look for the correct information and reliably or visit the following link:

WEBSITE : https://www.heta.org

MEDIUM : https://medium.com/@hetachain_blog

REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/user/hetachain

STEEMIT : https://steemit.com/@hetachain

BOUNTY : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032045.0

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/hetachain

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/hetachain

LINKEDIN : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hetachain-network/

Author by: Apri222
Bitcointalk profile


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