Bitcoin Air – comes with an amazing, environmentally friendly and far faster transaction


What is Bitcoin Air?

Bitcoin Air is a new lightweight cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing cryptocurrency main-stream adoption to small businesses worldwide. Bitcoin Air is the first bilaterally operating blockchain that will feature two chains uniquely operating as one!

Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the key issues faced with traditional emissions, banking and financial systems. By combining the feature rich and populated base of Bitcoin, with the environmental and user-friendly consensus method of Peercoin, we produce the perfect dual-chain Blockchain that has ability to maintain both stable and volatile value. Bitcoin Air goes one step further to implement Atomic Swap to remove the need for exchanges and centralized trade forces.

What comes to mind when you think of an approach for something like Air?

The presence of Air is something lightweight, unnoticeable, but completely life engulfing. It supplies the core necessity of life, and at the same time maintains it’s own characteristics such a degree, speed, and content. This being said, Air is a versatile and essential element to life that can be subject to any and all variables while maintaining consistency and purpose.

We apply this same logic to Bitcoin Air. The need for a lightweight, versatile, and completely essential piece of financial technology has began the race to develop what every entrepreneur has seen as the “Cryptocurrency Bubble”. Riddled with coins of no use, pump and dump scams, and market manipulation, cryptocurrency has earned both it’s wraps as an innovative financial technology, and both a burden upon society. Over 1600 new cryptocurrency have sprung up with some having no meaning at all. With Bitcoin Air, we seek to provide a new form of connection between merchant/consumer by creating a uniquely operating dual blockchain.

The solution Bitcoin Air seeks to bring to the table is an innovative approach at developing two bilateral side-chains that function together, but separately. One chain would operate as a reserves system (static value) and the other end would operate as a payments system (volatile value). The volatile chain will allow public sends and transactions to places such as user to user, user to exchange, and user to merchant. The static chain will only allow mint/burns into either $XAP or AirCash. This hidden static chain will operate bilaterally to the volatile chain and will not allow private sends or access via an exchange. It will be a privately accessible blockchain through the consumer and merchants wallets only. The main purpose of this side chain is to create an internal blockchain reserves system that could not only let a user operate as their own bank, but also their own lightweight reserves system that can print and remove funds from circulation as they please. Once funds are on the static side chain, a user can view the motion of the market health and choose their strategic moment for reentry into the volatile side chain. If the user would prefer to conduct sales and transaction off the blockchain and would rather be able to use their funding without the need for worry, they can mint their USDAP into AirCash.

$USDAP and AirCash will be the static options to send and receive value. While $USDAP is a static value cryptocurrency, AirCash is a static value paper fiat that will allow any user of Bitcoin Air to burn $XAP, mint $USDAP, and then burn $USDAP, to mint AirCash. The user would receive a printable fiat currency design with a QR code that is specifically for “sweeping” into another users wallet, or back into their own. AirCash will look like a custom fiat, but the user will be able to print it right out of their own home printers. AirCash will have the set value you peg to it by burning $USDAP and minting it all to a chosen AirCash Denomination ($5USDAP, $10USDAP, $20USDAP, $50USDAP, $100USDAP, $1000USDAP, and so on). Paying with AirCash is as simple as handing over the fiat currency with the correct denomination stated and the merchant/receiver can simply sweep the value of $USDAP into their wallet and then the paper fiat currency becomes useless and can be recycled!

Come time for a consumer or merchant to want to exit the market, they can simply mint all USDAP/AirCash into $XAP and proceed to send it to a supported exchange of their choice. Their $XAP will become influenceable by the market health at that point and the user could then exchange it into the currency of their choice via any easy to use cryptocurrency exchange out there!

The founder of Bitcoin Air, Anthony Colón Jr., who is an avid Cryptocurrency Advocate of 7 years says, “The key issues with cryptocurrency are problems we are all aware to, but are keen to ignore. My hope with Bitcoin Air is that through large-scale adoption we can provide a means of reducing emissions through indirect actions like paying your rent or shopping for groceries. With Air Cash and Earth Dollar, the adoption of our blockchain pair allows for simplicity of use for businesses and consumers, while giving consumers the familiarity of fiat payment systems

Bitcoin Air’s Mission

Bitcoin Air’s mission is to design and produce the first viable attempt at tackling the key issues associated with cryptocurrency, small business and environmental risks at hand today. By producing the first Carbon Credit Asset-Backed Dual-Chain Blockchain, Bitcoin Air leads the way in pioneering the adoptability, scalability, and overall benefits of using the Blockchain. Combining this technology with Green Initiatives and a viable means of Asset-Backing, Bitcoin Air creates the first Living Ecosystem dedicated to reducing the Human Footprint, lowering the cost of living, and increasing the overall quality of life.

Minimum Viable Product

This minimum product demo will display an easy-to-use App Store demo that will give you a feeling of how Bitcoin Air will operate when released. This is not our final product template at all, also our demo will not be used as a collection of our main features. We will drastically expand this MVP when we receive feedback on how people react to the use and nuances of our demonstrations.

You can take advantage of this demonstration via a tablet, cellular or desktop interface. This will display the basic features that will come to the Air Pay Bitcoin System which will allow some key features for smooth merchant transactions and consumer use.

The idea behind the MVP is to provide a hands on template of use for people to gather what is to come before deciding to support Bitcoin Air in it’s endeavors to becoming the largest small business based consumer stable coin.

Money in the air Bitcoin



The word ‘Profit’ is a day to day thing for a bitcoin trader. No matter when we start trading bitcoin, I bet you will be bullish (profitable) with your investment.

The main reason to this bullish trend is because of limited supply and huge demand. As you may know that there is only 21 Million bitcoins for total circulation, but each and every human wants to own some amount of their asset in bitcoin (Bitcoin is divisible up to 8th decimal like 0.00000001). The smallest unit of bitcoin is known as ‘Satoshi’. It’s the name of the so called bitcoin inventor ‘ Satoshi Nakamoto’.

As we are speaking, bitcoin is heading towards $10,000 mark. But every week Bitcoin is reaching a new all time high. I’ve attached a screenshot showing last one week trend of bitcoin in US dollars.

Last week trend

Caution: Even though experts predict that bitcoin is profitable, we have to invest only a part of our savings which is bearable if you lose it.

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Bitcoin Air is constantly expanding our partnerships to attain the best possible outreach for our products. You can view some of our amazing partners to the right. If you are interested in becoming a partner of Bitcoin Air, please send an email to




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Author by: Apri222
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