
Audit CYBERFM-WE’RE NOT ONLINE RADIO, WE’RE RADIO, On the web!- No ICO | added to File

Greetings Folks ! every one of you know I continually present to you the data about great crypto related ventures through my blog. So today I will present you another digital currency venture called #CyberFM #Investment #Cryptocurrency#DistributedLedger #RadioOnline #CYFM

About CyberFM

Established on October 11, 2007, CyberFM is a US-based radio station where you can tune in to music anyplace on the planet and furthermore have programs that examine games and drama occasions. Presently, they expect to enter the crypto world where they give CYFM and MFTU free tokens since they damage the law to have ICO in that nation. CYFM and MFTU have distinctive utilize cases.


CyberFM is an ERC20 Token, The CYFM Token speaks to administrative consistence in advanced frame for craftsmen that are as of now enlisted with neighborhood portrayal. Illustrations incorporate BMI in the U.S. what’s more, SOCAN in Canada. The CYFM Token will be utilized consistently for installment to ALL administration control organizations around the world.


The MFTU Token is like CYFM yet speaks to a globally acknowledged, straightforward, reasonable, legitimate and cryptographic Execution Rights Association and Reward Framework for Autonomous Specialists. Ensuring their rights and installments around the globe, on the web!

Both CYFM and MFTU are presently recorded on File. Market For an entire guide on the most proficient method to utilize File, visit here

Both utility tokens are an ERC20 resource enrolled on the ETH blockchain used to make this all inclusive installment framework that empowers sovereignties to be gathered for all exhibitions, consistently, all through all nations! The MFTU and CYFM tokens will likewise be utilized at first to compliment fiat installments for online radio participations, credits for in-application buys and enrollment expenses.

This biological system speaks to an all inclusive, universal money that will remunerate all specialists and entertainers over the world! The previously mentioned will be repaid paying little heed to singular participation to their individual Execution Rights Association. Anyway extra livens, prizes, and wage will be accessible when these individuals completely receive our framework.


Both the CYFM and MFTU token speaks to a “communicate money” that will be utilized within the biological system for audience members, fans, and clients. For instance, audience members may win MFTU tokens in a radio challenge, they may utilize the tokens to buy premium enrollments for tune skipping, on-request downloads, business free streams and different advantages.

Additional Data:

Need to find out about the CYBERFM venture? Investigate their official site and their destined to be discharged whitepaper for more data. Additionally, buy in to their official correspondence channels to remain state-of-the-art. Any inquiries, don’t hesitate to remark underneath.




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Official website:
White Paper:

Author by: Apri222
Bitcointalk profile;u=2011722





























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